On the 8th May last, in latitude 7 north. and longitude 83 east, Captain Lambert, of the Margaret, from Pondicherry to Petiang„ fell in with time wreck of a vessel ap- parently of about 400 or 500 tons, amid a few miles front it a raft constructed with spars, &c.; but no persons on it. The wreck appeared to be recent, but the state of the weather precluded a close examination ; it is conjectured to kave been the Guildford, Johnson, from Singapore to Louden, which ha; been so long missing. The Company's Ships Thames, Farquharson, and Vansittart, left Beugal for China, previous to the 31st July. Arrived. At Gravesend, Dec. 6th, Mary, Beachcroft, from Van Diemen's Land. 8th, Addingham, Gibson, from Mauritius ; City of Edinburgh. III`Kinnon, from Bengal; and St. Helena, Tait, from the Cape. 9th, Earl Eldon, Theaker, from Bombay ; and Lady Harewood, Stonehouse, from New South Wales. In the Downs, Dec. 7th, Hero Maloun, Williams, from Bengal; Courier, Todd, from the Cape; and Eamont, Walmsey, from New South Wales ; and 8th. Hydery, Struttel, from Bengal. At Portsmouth, Dec. 8th, Amick, lil`Kay, from Singapore, for orders. At Liverpool, Dec. 5th, Sir F. Burton, Reed, from Bombay. 7th, Columbia, Ware, from Bengal. At St. Helena, Oct. I 7th, John Taylor, Crawford. from Calcutta. At the Cape, Sept. 28th, Brenda, Newcastle, from Liverpool. Previous to 6th Oct. Duke, Bedford, Bowen ; and Orynthia, Johnson, from London. Oct. 6th, Eliza. Sutton, from ditto ; and 7th, Helen,liarr, from Singapore. At Bombay, August 26th, Majestic. Lawson, from Liverpool; and Gipsey, Elighat, from ditto, after having been on Shore. At Madras, July 29th, Ripley, Hesse, from Liverpool; and August 11th, Cir- cassian, Douthwaite, from London. At Bengal, August 3d, Lady Nugent, Wimble, from London. 8th, Mount Stuart Elphinstone, Thompson, from ditto. At the Mauritius, previous to 6th August, Providence, O'Brien, John Craig, and Seppings, aII from London ; and Johannah, 11PKellar, from the Clyde. At Ceylon, Symmetry, Stevens, from London. Off Angier, August 4th, Honourable Company's Ships Bombay, Kellaway; and Rose, Marquis, from London for China. 10th, Eagle, Smith, from Liverpool. At New South Wales, May 31st, Funchal, Dalgarno, from London. June 9th, Sir F. Freeling, Leitch, from ditto. 10th, North Briton, Mor- rison, from Leith. July 12th, Duckenfield, Griddell. 25th, Camden, Fulcher ; and Exmouth, Warren, all from London; and 27th, Georgiana, Thompson, from ditto.
Sailed.-From Gravesend, 9th, Cambrian, Blyth, for Bombay. From Liverpool, Dec. 2, Brunswick, Palmer, for Calcutta ; and 3d, Irt, Hoodless, for ditto.