10 DECEMBER 1831, Page 12


Remained cra Dec. 2

New Cases on 2 ----- 3 4 6 0 2 6 2 —

— 150

— 37 376 339 3 38 17 .. 7

......... .....

7 — 87 10 4 6


4 1 — 6 7 7 Deaths, Dec. 2 .

3 4 5..



10 Total Deaths Subtract Recoveries and Deaths from

Total Cases..

Remained on Dec.7

Total Cases since Oct. 26 Total Recoveries 218

'rote Deaths 121

—• Remain as above

Total Cases

Recoveries, Dec. 2 3 4 5 6

Total Recoveries

QUARANTINE ON SUNDERLAND VEssuLs.—The period of quarantine has been reduced from fifteen to ten days, on the earnest prayer of the Sunderland inhabitants. By way of additional comfort to them, New- castle, including North and South Shields, is now subjected to a similar quarantine, on account of the doubtful case noticed in our last Number. AwAvostv or THE Pszaiica.—We announced, two weeks ago, that we intended at no distant day to publish a corrected copy of the Anatomy of the Peerage. It will be given as a supplemental sheet to the Spectator, No. 183, for the week ending the 31st instant. No charge will be made for this supplemental number; in which, in addition to all that has hitherto appeared on the history and constitution of the Upper House of Parliament, a large mass of carious, interest- ing, and authentic intelligence, gleaned from every accessible source public or private, will be-found. Readers, in London, will receive the ANATOmV: along with their paper of the week, on application to their Newsmen ; readers, in the provincial towns of the kingdom, will receive it from their respective Book- sellers, by an early order for Number 183; those who reside in the less accessible parts of the country, will themselves be best able to devise plans for receiving, what we intend and wish to reach every purchaser of our journal. It is a pitiful and paltry regulation, that we, who are so heavily taxed by Government for every paper that we sell, should be denied, on an occasion like the present, the small privilege of sending by post an unstamped paper which we have' drawn up with much expense and labour in order to give away.

*** Special orders for No. 183, should reach the Publishing-office on time MA of December at the latest, to regulate the extent of the impression, and prevent disappointment to applicants.