TEE second meeting for the season of the Artists' and Amateurs' Convey- sazione, which was held at the Freemason's Tavern on Wednesday evening, was very numerously attended, and the display of works of art was extremely good. The masterly sketches of Mr. J. F. LEWIS, the water-colour painter, formed the most prominent attraction. The con- summate skill and knowledge displayed in the delineations of animals, figures, and landscape, and the beautifully brilliant effects produced by the slightest possible means, excited universal admiration. Some wild scenery along the course of a trout stream—studies of deer and lions, and of monks and devotees—evinced the versatility of his talents, each being alike excellent. Among the other attractions, we remarked in particular a portrait of Mr. Rothwell, by himself, in his best style ; a study of a female with a vase, by J. Woou—one of the most beautiful we have seen—the colouring clear, *warm, chaste, and natural ; and a portrait (unfinished) in a style superior to any thing we have seen by this rising artist ; an exquisite copy of LESLIE'S best picture, " Sancho and the Duchess," by Danny; and some very clever studies by him also ; a volume of the President WEST'S sketches in water-colours of ancient pictures ; two good landscapes by ALFRED CLINT; an unfinished proof of the engraving of Wnatie's " Penny Wedding ;" a proof of the etching for Peones Venice ; some choice specimens of lithography, &c.