Dec. 8.—In a Convocation holden this day, it was agreed that the name of Jo- seph Soden, Esq. Colonel in-the service of the Hon. East India Company, and also that of Mrs. Anne Kentileott, widow, should be inserted in the Album of Bene- factors to the University ; the former as founder of the Professorship of Sauserit, the latter as foundress of two Hebrew Scholarships. In a Congregation holden at the same time, the following Degrees were conferred. Masters of Arts—Rev. H. N. Goldney, St. John's ; Rey. W. J. Copeland, Scholar of Trinity ; J. A. Fulton, Michel Scholar of Queen's ; G. W. Mahon, Fellow of Pem- broke—Bachelors of Arts—C. P. Peters, Queen's; W. M. Adey, Exeter ; R. V. Pryor, Balliol.
In a Convocation holden in the afternoon of the same day, the Rev. J. Keble, M.A. Fellow of Oriel, was unanimously elected Professor of Poetry, in the room of the Rev. H. H. Milman.
The first Hebrew Scholarship -yet filled up on the foundation of Mrs. Kennieott, has been awarded to B. Harrison, Esq. Stueent of Christ Church. The same Gen- tleman gained the Theological Prize duriug the present year. Lord Grenville, as Chancellor of the University, has nominated the Rev. E. Card- well, B.D. late Fellow of Brazennose, and Camden Professor of Ancient History, to be Principal of St. Alban Hall, in the room of his Grace the Archbishop of Dublin, who has resigned.