The Tribunal of Fifteen, to which the double returns of
the Presi- dentialvotes of the various doubtful American States were referred, have decided in the case of Florida by 8 to 7 not to go behind the returns to the question of the lawfulness of the popular vote ; but to admit all the questions as to the eligibility of the particular electors named in the official returns. The Demo- crats claim that one of the electors returned in Florida, Mr. Humphrey, was a Government officer at the time of his return, and therefore not eligible, and that question the Commission will entertain. This decision increases the chance of Mr. Hayes, but the Democrats intend to challenge the eligibility of several Re- publican electors, and to try to get the eligibility of one Demo- cratic elector (for the State of Oregon) admitted, or at worst, to get it declared that one of the electors of Oregon has not been legally named, so that there is, in that case, a vacancy. There is yet, therefore, a fair chance for the Democrats, either through such decisions as would give them a majority in the Electoral College, or such as would throw the election of Presi- dent into the hands of the House of Representatives, where their majority is assured.