10 FEBRUARY 1877, page 3

The Hungarian Premier, Tisza, Finds It Impossible To...

Parliament to the Austrian proposals as regards Customs and the National Bank, and has therefore resigned. It is not believed that any other Premier will succeed better, as......

Consols Were On Friday 951 To 95f.


A Man Named Donovan Was Accused Last Week Of Assaulting

an attaché of the Chinese Embassy, pulling his pig-tail and boxing his ears. Donovan defended himself by saying he was drunk, and had an objection to the Chinese religion, but......

On Monday, At The Meeting Of The Social Science Association,

there was a discussion on Spelling Reform, at which Mr. E. Jones, B.A., read a paper, maintaining that the reading and spelling of English, with the present orthography, are......

Dr. Lyon Playfair Presided Yesterday At Willis's Rooms At...

annual meeting of the Women's Education Union, of which her Royal Highness the Princess Louise was again re-elected pre- sident. It was stated that about 1,600 women were avail-......

Mr. E. J. Reed, In A Third Letter To The

Times, published on Monday last, makes us more anxious than ever as to the scien- tific education of the men who at present have the real control of our Navy. He shows that a......

We Seem At Last To Have Found An Undoubted Centenarian.

The widow of Sir J. E. Smith, the founder and first President of the Linnman Society, died on Saturday, the 3rd inst., and as far as human evidence can prove anything, was born......

The Appeal Of "dr." Monck, The "spirit-medium," Who Was...

in October last at Huddersfield of "using subtle means, crafts, and devices, by palmistry and otherwise, with in- tent to deceive," was heard in the Court of Exchequer yesterday......