10 FEBRUARY 1877, page 1

In The Lords, The Ceremonies Began With The Introduction Of

the new Earl of Beaconsfield, who was paraded round the House in the usual scarlet robes of State, and took his seat first on the Viscounts' bench and then on the Earls', in......

In The Anticipatory Sketch Of The Queen's Speech,...

a leader in the Times of Thursday, mention is made of a " meed of praise" rendered to Lord Salisbury in the Speech for his conduct at Constantinople. What became of that......

News Of The Week

L ONDON was startled on Tuesday by the announcement that Midhat Pasha had fallen, and that Edhem Pasha had been appointed Grand Vizier, and has ever since been full of explana-......

The News Created A Curious Kind Of Excitement In London.

The journals were utterly puzzled, and their bewilderment was more than shared by their correspondents in Constantinople. The ex- planations by telegraph were endless. Midhat......

Lord Granville Expressed His Satisfaction That The Treaty...

was not to be torn up, especially on the ground that it provided an opening for a concert of the European Powers on the Turkish question, and recorded those declarations of the......

*„,* The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript In...


Parliament Was Opened On Thursday By The Queen In Person.

The Lord Chancellor, however, read the Speech, in which the Houses were informed that her Majesty's mediation having been requested by Servia, the Government had proposed to......