The Fortnightly, February.—mr. Chamberlain Continues His...
and publishes a diagram showing that apparently there is no proportion between drunkenness and the number of public- houses. This, he thinks, is an argument against free-trade......
Commander Cameron's Walk Across Africa.*
[SECOND NOTICE.] IN February, 1874, Commander Cameron reached Tanganyika ; and the strictly exploratory portion of his task commenced, with his striking off to the west and......
He Might Have Added That A Lenient Code Will Always
benefit most the most military nations, their object being to compel or tempt their adversaries to surrender. Mr. Reade's novel, "The Woman-Hater," is as lively as ever ; and a......
The Corn/ill Magazine, Besides A Charming Paper On...
Mr. Leslie Stephen—quite the best paper in any magazine this month —and • humorously cynical account of the malady called "Falling in Love," that is an account, which will be......
Blackwood For February Has A Dry But Very Valuable Paper
on "Philanthropy in War," from which we must make one extract. The writer advocates a definite code for the treatment of prisoners of war :— "We have frequently heard it said,......
Fraser's Magazine, February. The Most Readable, If Not...
paper in Fraser is upon the House of Lords, in which we are told, among other things, that Lord Campbell is better informed on the poli- tics of South-Eastern Europe than almost......
Current Literature.
The manager of the Contentporary Review has introduced a new feature, short articles in smaller type on minor topics. Such a feature is always useful in the conduct of a......