Blackie's Modern Cyclopedia. — The eighth and final volume of this useful
dictionary of universal information has been published. All that need be said of it now is, that in point of variety and .accuracy of information, and in succinctness of statement, it is quite the equal of its predecessors. As illustrations of the effort that has been made to keep the information supplied up to date, we may mention that under the head " Tipperary " we are told that
recently an embittered feeling of tenants towards their landlord has led to the abandonment of part of the town, and to the erection .of a quarter called New Tipperary ;' " and in the biography of Mr. Herbert Spencer, it is said that he is at present (1890) engaged on"Principles of Morality." In a modest editorial note which is prefixed to this volume, it is stated that the total number of the articles contained in the work amount to nearly 2,800, and that "the successive volumes have all made their appearance at the date at which they were respectively due, and that the work has been completed within the period originally fixed for its publication." Both publishers and editor are to be congratulated on the .successful completion of a work which will be a sufficient book of reference on all subjects for whole classes of readers, and also for readers of every class who are in a hurry, and which will yet en- courage the perusal of more elaborate books of the same kind, as a good primer prepares the way for a good text-book.