Edward Vi. And The Book Of Common Prayer.
[TO TB! EDITOS Or THE "SrBOTATOR." Sill,With reference to the "synodical approval of Edward ' s First Book, " dealt with in your review of Father Gasquet ' s work, I would draw......
The Late Dean Of St. Paul ' S.
ITo THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] Sin,—I would venture, with your leave, to add a postscript to Mr. Huntington's interesting letter. He has told your readers of the generous......
Mo The Editor Of Tla " .spectat011."1 Sir, — Referring To...
remarks upon Bishop Lightfoot, Dean Church, and Dr. Liddon, a correspondent in the Spectator of January 3rd contributes the opinion of the Bishop as to the culture which so......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPICCTATOR."1 Sin, — In your article headed " Birmingham," in the issue of January 3rd, you notice an event which took place,—viz., the opening of a......
Somerville Hall : A Misnomer.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR, — I regret to be compelled to verify my letter of December 27th, by explaining that Mr. Pelham's autograph letter to me of December 4th......