10 JANUARY 1891, page 1

Notice To Advertisers.

With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, January Stet, will be issued, gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages ■ of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......

News Of The Week.

T HERE have been rumours this week, which do not seem to have much foundation, of an approaching collision between the United States and England in the Behring Sea, on the seal-......

The Newfoundlanders, Unable To Realise That The Diplo-...

reconcile grave international differences all in a moment, are growing angry and discontented. In the Press and at public meetings, there is much wild talk of throwing over......

**** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


The Contest In Hartlepool Will Be Very Important, And No

one knows how it will turn out. Both the Unionist and the Gladstonian candidates are very popular men, large employers of labour, Nonconformists, possessed of great influence in......

The Indian Outbreak In The West Still Continues To Cause

great trouble to the United States Government. Pine Ridge Agency, which is the focus of the disturbance, is threatened by hostile bands, and earthworks are being rapidly thrown......

On Sunday, Elections Took Place In France To Fill The

vacancies caused in the Senate by the retirement of a portion of the House. Eighty seats were balloted for, with the result that 74 Republicans and 6 Conservatives were......