The Bishop Of Gloucester And Bristol Has Issued An Address
to the.clergy and laity of his diocese on the Lincoln judgment, in which he may be said to praise the judgment very highly, while blaming very severely any attempt to use the......
We Regret To See The Death Of Mr, Clifford Lloyd,
our Consul at Erzeroum, formerly one of the ablest of Mr. Forster's Resident Magistrates in Ireland, and also one of the most independent, though the Land League did their best......
We Have Had An Unpleasant Little Post Office Emeute This
week. The Savings-Bank Department asked for volunteers among the second-class clerks for extra work last Friday, and the second-class clerks, holding that it was optional for......
On Monday, Mr. Chamberlain Addressed A Meeting At Bir-...
held to celebrate the jubilee of the Cannon Street Provident Society. The speech, which must be pronounced a veritable tour de force, since it contrived to make its main sub-......
The Death Of Mr. Charles Keene, The Well-known Con- Tributor
to Punch, who had for some time past been seriously ill, took place on Sunday, at his house in the Hammersmith Road, the news being received by the public he had so long .amused......
The Despatches In Regard To The Punitive Expedition...
against Witu last summer, prove the operations to have been singularly well executed. Nine Germans having been murdered at Witu, with the virtual connivance of the Sultan, under......
The Scotch Railway Strike Shows No Sign Of Coming To
an end. The Companies have secured enough men to keep the passenger-trains going after a fashion, and to deal with a certain amount of the goods traffic; but the lines are not......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent. New Consols (2) Were On
Friday 961 to 961.......