We regret to see the death of Mr, Clifford Lloyd,
our Consul at Erzeroum, formerly one of the ablest of Mr. Forster's Resident Magistrates in Ireland, and also one of the most independent, though the Land League did their best to brand him as a mere minion of Coercion. He was, however, one of those very able men who are deficient in tact. He went to Egypt as the Khedive's Minister of the Interior, and did excellent work there, but could not get on with Nubar Pasha at all. He went to the Mauritius to act under Sir J. Pope Hennessy, and of course the two men found it quite im. possible to act together, and no one knew how much fault lay on either side. Then Mr. Clifford Lloyd went on a mission to the Seychelles, and subsequently became our Consul at Erze. roum, where no doubt he was a source of authentic informa- tion as to the grievances of the Armenian people. There he has died in the vigour of his powers, for he was only forty-five. We believe that there have been few abler or more courageous public servants ; but he certainly did not contrive to work easily with either equals or superiors. He was one of those masterful men who develop a great amount of moral friction when they owns to act with others.