The Bishop of Gloucester and Bristol has issued an address
to the.clergy and laity of his diocese on the Lincoln judgment, in which he may be said to praise the judgment very highly, while blaming very severely any attempt to use the liberty which the judgment, if confirmed by the Court of Appeal, would give. If we understand him aright, he thinks the judgment so excellent that it should be absolutely ignored. We understand and agree with his disapproval of any ritual *which is unwelcome to the majority of the worshippers ; but he appears to go a good deal further than this, and to dis- approve any attempt to introduce the ritual which the Arch- bishop's judgment, if confirmed, would legalise, even where it would carry the congregation with it. Let us admire the judgment, but strenuously discourage acting upon it, even if it be sustained,' seems to us the drift of Dr. Ellicott's counsel to his clergy.