10 MAY 1879, Page 23

NEW EDIT1ONS. — The Bishop of Carlisle sends out a new edition,

-" revised and rewritten" (surely the greater includes the less), of A Guide to the Parish Church. (Deighton and Bell ; Bell and Sons.) A preface explains the circumstances under which the publication takes place, especially in regard to the "vestments" controversy.

We have also new editions of The Life of St. Patrick, Apostle of Ire- land, by William Buller Morris (Burns and Oates) ; of The Sinless Sufferer, by Sydney W. Skeffington (Skeffington) ; of The Life of the Rev. Richard Knill, by the Rev. C. M'Birrell (Religious Tract Society) ; .of Christianity and a Personal Devil, by the Rev. Patrick Scott. (Pickering.) Mr. Scott's attitude may be best described by a para- graph from his preface :—" If Christianity declares that there is a Devil, and there be none, how can Christianity be true ? I give no heed to the contention that all the numerous portions of Scrip- ture bearing on the question are merely symbolical ; for what is the worth of a faith which rests on writings which mean what -they do not say, and say what they do not mean ?"—We have also received Doddriclge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, edited, with Life, Introduction, and Notes, by the Rev. F. A. Malleson. (Ward and Lock.)—The late Archdeacon Robert Isaac Wilberforce's Five Empires; an Outline of Ancient History (Pickering), has reached a fifteenth edition.--We have to acknowledge an elegant illustrated edition of Oliver Goldsmith's Vicar of Wakefield (S. B. Barrett) ; and new editions of A Text-Book of the Steam-Engine, by T. M. Goodeve (Crosby, Lockwood, and Co.) ; The Rationale of Market Fluctuations (Effingham Wilson) ; How to Prepare for Civil-Service Competition under the New Regulations (M. H. Gill and Son, Dublin) ; Stam- mering and Stuttering, by W. Abbott, M.D. (Pitman.) Mr. W. C. Green's excellent edition of the Birds of Aristophanes (Cambridge University Press) has been republished.—We have also to notice the " sixty-third " edition of A School Geography, by James Cornwell, Ph.D. (Simpkin and Marshall.)—Of books for young people, Among the Zulus ; the Adventures of Hans Steen, by Lieutenant-Colonel A. W. Drayson, R.A. ; The Girl's Own Toy-maker and Book of Recreation, by E. Landells and Alice Landells (Griffith and Ferran); Always Happy, written for her children by a Mother (Griffith and Ferran); and in a reissue of "the Favourite Library," The Scottish Orphans, and The Eskdale Herd-boy, by Lady Stoddart, and The History of the Robins, by Mrs. Trimmer (Griffith and Farran.)—Noad's Student's Text-Book of Electricity. Revised by W. H. Preece. (Crosby Lockwood and Co.) In this new edition, Mr. Preece has taken up and completed the revision from the point at which it was left by Dr. Noad at his death. Additional chapters on the telephone, the microphone, and the application of electricity to clocks, weather. gauges, railway-breaks, out-door and in-door illuminations, Ftc., are added.—Baedeker's Handbook for London and its Environs. (Dulau and Co.) A second edition, revised up to date, and augmented with new maps and plans.