10 MAY 1879, page 2

The Shadow Of The Elections Is On Everything. The Irish

Members on Wednesday actually carried a Bill for allowing the formation of Volunteer Corps in Ireland, the Attorney-G- eneral for Ireland observing that her Majesty's Government......

Lord Salisbury, On Monday, Made An Elaborate Statement As To

the progress achieved in executing the Treaty of Berlin. He stated that Bulgaria had been constituted; that a commence- ment had been made towards razing her fortifications ;......

Mr. Herschell On Tuesday Carried A Resolution Stating...

the opinion of the House of Commons, "the action of breach_ of promise of marriage ought to be abolished, except in cases where actual pecuniary loss has been incurred by reason......

Lord Beaconsfield Spoke As Usual At The Annual Banquet Of

the Royal Academy, on Saturday, and said he would have defended his thesis of last year,—that imagination was the forte of English painters, but that he dreaded the storm of......

The House Of Commons Virtually Debated Mr. Rylande...

again last Monday night, and the rgchartig was better than the prepared feast. Mr. Gladstone was unable on the previous Thursday to point out the blunders of the Chan- cellor of......

The Tariff Battle Began In The German Parliament On The

2nd inst. with a speech from Prince Bismarck, in which he frankly explained his views. He believed Free-trade to be a mistake, which all the world was abandoning except England,......

Sir W. Harcourt Read Out In The Debate A Passage

from a. letter written by the Prince Consort on April 18th, 1854, exactly applicable to the present situation. The Prince wrote :—" The party conflict in the ilAllSfit of......