10 MAY 1879, page 22

Blackwood's Magazine .—may. (w. Blackwood And Sons.)...

its stories, a paper on "Public Affairs," in which we note that Sir B. Frere is given up to the wolves ; a discussion on the French Republic, in which it is said to be wanting......

Current Literature.

The Contemporary Review.—May. (Strahan and Co.)—The Con- temporary is a trifle over-solid this month, though it has some good papers. Mr. Freeman replies to Mr. Fronde in a very......

The Nineteenth Century.—may. (c. Kegan Paul And Co.)—mr....

repeats, rather feebly, his argument for a junction of the moderate men of both parties to take power out of the hands both of Lord Beaconsfield and the Radicals ; and Mr. F.......

The Fortnightly Beview.—may. (chapman And Hall.)—by Far...

in the number is Mr. F. Pollock's monograph on Professor Clifford, a most charming sketch, which will enable all readers to under- stand the deep impression this mathematician,......

Fraser's Magazine.—may. (longmans And Co.)—mr. A. J....

valuable facts on the finances of Egypt, of which he takes a pessimist view, argues strongly that if we touch the country at all, we must lay hold of it with an armed force. Mr.......

Macmillan's Magazine.—may. (macmillan And Oo.)—mr. Grant...

analysis of Seeley's " Life and Times of Stein," and Mr. Freeman a learned account of Syracuse ; but the most valuable paper in the number is Mr. G. Macmillan's demonstration......

Magazines And Serial Lmeratitre.—we Have Received The...

May :—The Gentleman's Magazine, in which Mr. P. Kent, in na article on the "Bar as a Trade," concludes as follows :—" Tc> sum up this latter branch of my subject : men who are......