10 MAY 1879, page 23

My Friend And My Wife. By Henry James Gibbs. 3

vols. (Samuel Tinsley.)—The title is not very happily chosen, for it does not repre- sent the best part of the book, which finds its chief interest in a subject which never......

Canons Of The First Four General Councils. (clarendon...

is talked about the "Four Councils," but few, probably, really know what was done at them, are aware, for instance, that the Nicene Creed took its present shape at......

New Edit1ons. — The Bishop Of Carlisle Sends Out A New...

-" revised and rewritten" (surely the greater includes the less), of A Guide to the Parish Church. (Deighton and Bell ; Bell and Sons.) A preface explains the circumstances......

Ennatml — By A Clerical Error On The Part Of The Reviewer,

in our last issue, The Land of Midian Revisited was described as being published by Messrs. Chatto and Windus. The name of the publishers should have been Messrs. C. Kegan Paul......

Magazines And Serial Lmeratitre.—we Have Received The...

May :—The Gentleman's Magazine, in which Mr. P. Kent, in na article on the "Bar as a Trade," concludes as follows :—" Tc> sum up this latter branch of my subject : men who are......