10 MAY 1902, Page 22

Journeyman Love. By Maud Stepney Rawson. (Hutchinson and Co. 6s.)—Mrs.

Rawson lays the scene of her story in Paris in the last days of Louis Philippe, and a very richly painted scene it is. Literature, art, music—Mrs. Rawson is very great on music —politics, and, of course, love, take our eyes with colours almost too vivid. The music and art can only be described by words, as in "a soft shower of iridescent sixths " ; but in other matters we have the actual talk of Georges Sand, Heine, and Guiz ot. There is, as will be seen, something absolutely audacious in the book ; yet it is, on the whole, a success. Gilbert Hellicar is a par- ticularly fine study, a nobler kind of Lancelot. We should like to know how Donnette, talking in 1847, expressed in French, "Terribly artistic, and mad at that."