10 MAY 1902, page 1

News Of The Week.

T HE only important news from South Africa either as concerns war or peace is that Lord Kitchener organised two " drives " during the week in the Transvaal, in which some two......

Count G-oluchowski Emphasised This Last Caution By...

condition of affairs in the Balkans, "where their policy stood in direct opposition to a number of interested elements which sought to fish in troubled waters." There was a "......

Everything, Therefore, Is Regarded In The Highest...

smooth and intended to remain so. That is most satisfactory, but it would be foolish to overlook the weak points in the situation. These are, first, that too much hangs upon the......

On Friday, In Obedience To The Apparently Unalterable Law...

important news shall always be published on the day most inconvenient to weekly newspapers, the terms under which the Morgan Trust has purchased the various lines were given to......

The Austrian Chancellor, Count Goluchowski, Made On...

important speech to the "Delegations," the Joint Committee from Austria and from Hungary which controls or criticises the foreign affairs of the Dual Monarchy. He announced......

, The Queen Of Holland Has Again Been In The

greatest danger. On the night of Sunday, May 4th, her Majesty was prematurely confined, and as delivery was difficult and the Queen weak from her attack of typhoid, her life was......

The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In Any...
