10 MAY 1902, page 3

Paris Is Greatly Excited Over A Will Case. Mr. Henry

Herbert Crawford, dying in 1897 at Nice, bequeathed a fortune of 24,000,000 in paper securities to a lady who is now Madame Humbert. Two American brothers named Crawford,......

Sir Henry Fowler Has Addressed An Important Letter On The

Irish question to the Chairman of the East Wolverhampton Liberal Association. There are, he say s, three divergent policies at present advocated by prominent members of the......

Lord Hugh Cecil's Speech, Which Followed That Of Sir Edward

Grey, not only rose to a very high pitch of eloquence in the peroration, but was throughout marked by a persuasive power which was most striking. Whether one agrees or not with......

There Have Been During The Week Accounts Of Terrible...

disturbances in the West Indies, and on Friday the Times published a telegram to the effect that St. Pierre—the capital of the French island of Martinique and a. thriving town......

Lord Salisbury Attended The Annual Demonstration Of The...

on Wednesday, and delivered an interesting speech. After congratulating the Primrose League on their achievements in the last seventeen years, Lord Salisbury turned to the war.......

The Debate On The Education Bill Closed On Thursday. There

was something almost pathetic in the iron indifference with which the Irish Members met Mr. Lloyd-George's almost tearful appeal to them to support their allies and not to......

In Sir Edward Grey's Speech The Spirit Of Opposition Took,

as it always does with him, its mildest and most moderate form. After some very sensible remarks on the need of having a single local authority for all local affairs, with one......

Mr. Bret Harte, Who Died On Monday, The 5th Inst.,

at the age of sixty-three, probably exerted a greater influence on English literature than any other American author. Going west- ward in the early 'fifties," he turned the raw......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (2i) Were On

Friday 94,......