10 MAY 1902, page 24

A Banquet Book. By Cuyler Reynolds. (g. P. Putnam's Sons.

6s. net.)—The first part of this volume contains some thousands of single-line quotations from many sources, ranged under such head-. ings as " Future—Hope—Ambition" ;......

Terrors Of The Law By Francis Watt. (j. Lane. 4s.

6d. net.) —Any one who writes about Lord Chancellor Jeffreys has scarcely any choice but to whitewash him. Macaulay has done the blackening so effectively that there is no......

With The New Zealanders At The Front. By Corporal F.

Twistleton. (Edmonson, Skii.ton.)—When some one comes to compare the various voces popu/i that have come from the ranks, he will have a hard piece of work. "The Boers are......

The Journal Of A Wandering Australian. By Millicent M....

• (Melville and Mullen. 9s.)—We cannot go much beyond saying that there is no reason why this volume, a reprint of letters written home during the period March 9th—Decem- ber......

The London Topographical Society : Annual Record. Edited...

Fairman Ordiah. (16 Clifford's Inn.)—Mr. Ordish, whose excellent book, "Shakespeare's London," we noticed some little time ago, here introduces to us a new venture. It is a......

Penny History Of The Church Of England. By Augustus Jessopp,

D.D. (S.P.C.K. ld.)—We hope that this little book will be as widely circulated as the ability of its author and the enterprise of the publishing Society deserve that it should......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Undrr this heading we notice gush Dooks of the week aa hare not been- reeervett for review in other forms.] The First Things. By the Rev. John Buchan. (Blackwood and Sons.......

T.r.h. The Prince And Princess Of Wales. By The Author

of "His Most Gracious Majesty King Edward VII." (G. Newnes. 7s. 6d.)—There is more material for a book of this kind than is sometimes to be found in memoirs of Heirs-Apparent,......

The Country Gentleman's Estate - Book,1902. (16 Cockspur...

3s. 6d. net.)—This volume, the tenth annual issue, contains as usual a great mass of useful information. We may mention a very complete set of figures illustrating the cost of......