The Journal of a Wandering Australian. By Millicent M. Millcar.
• (Melville and Mullen. 9s.)—We cannot go much beyond saying that there is no reason why this volume, a reprint of letters written home during the period March 9th—Decem- ber 23rd, 1900, should not have been published if the author and her friends wished it. Some of it seems to us almost withorit ' interest, gossip, e.g., of life on board ship ; elsewhere we have fairly graphic observation of scenery and manners. The writer saw Egypt, the Holy Land, parts of Asia Minor, Great Britain, parts of the Continent, Ste.; in fact, she made the modern "Grand Tour." It is interesting to find that London impressed her, in a way, more than anything else. We are accustomed to hear what our American relatives say about us; the comments of Australian kinsfolk are less familiar.