The Art of Illustration. By H. Blackburn. (J. Grant. 75.
6d.)— This third edition is revised and brought up to date by Mr. J. S. Eland, who has added a chapter on colour illustration. In this book are to be found examples of many forms of reproductions of drawings, with descriptions of the methods employed. The author points out how much depends on the artist understanding the process, as in such cases effects new and unexpected can be reached without straining the resources of that process. Mr. La.uncelot Speed is mentioned as an illustrator whose knowledge enables him to achieve new effects which give no trouble to the printer. The three-colour process is now being largely experimented with, and with very varying results. With regard to colour-printing, would not the works of the primitives, such as Giotto and Benozzo Gozzoli, lend themselves better to the process than modern oil paintings ?