. The exhibition—exposition is tLe more appropriate term—of the perfortnances
of the tyros %vim are admitted to the privileges of cari- caturing the chy-tl'aarre of the great masters, lent by the owners for the purposes of study to the 13ritish Institution, took plata: this week. It was at once a dismal and ludicrous sight to witness the Aluathaos, VANDYKE.S, and RE2,11:11AN1eTS, mocked, as it were, by a variety of abortions of all sizes and shapes, each one ettricusly unlike the other and the original: it reminded one of' the multitudes of faces reflected in the cut drops of a ellamielior—except that the similitude and bril- liancy were wanting. The ladies, as usual, carried off the palm : the :Misses Gal Lirs, toallaux, and Sr:remit, were among the best ; and we saw the mime of Ilanw000 attached to two or three of the most faithful copies. To the mass of the t. students.- however, we recom- mend a course of drawing before they venture to take the pailette on their thumb; and to some a smart application of the maul:A:tilt—not to the canvas, but to their own shoulders.