Be The Municipal Election In Glasgow, The Tories Have Ohttie
'41 a small majority in the Town-Council. The Gla...gow A rgcs, n cci vd this morning, bears testimoey to the extraordinary csiel Cons of ti:e Tories; and complains of Liberal......
The Philharmonic Socie Iy.
Tor Philharnomic Society has been called together this week for the purpose of eleetiog new members and a. soeiatee. Mr. KF.MINS was chosen toall the place vacant by Mr.......
A Conespoulent Requests Us To " Call Public Attention To
the fo:low- ing disgraceful doings in Upper Cauada ;" the details of which he copies from the Toronto Examiner of the 3d of October ; but we tire compelled to put them in the......
Money Market.
S1OCK EXCOOise. FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Considerable discussion has arisen among the City capitalists during the last few days, as to the proptiety of a supposed appropriation of the......
Lord Brougham, Always Entertaining„, Has Seldom Been More...
at the dinners at which he has lately been a guest at Widmer Castle ; where his observations on the treatment which he, in common with Lord Melbourne, received at the bands of......
Lord Durham's Administration In Canada.
LETTER II. TO THE EDLTOR OF THE SPECTAT011. Gray's Inn, !:;11 Novemiwr 1333. Si have reason to rejoice: when 1 asserted th it no danger could arise to C ui1 a fr011, It: ieturn......
East India Shipping.
Arrived—At Gravesend, Nov. 5th, Java, Todd, front Bombay; and 7th, Ent , rprise. Fearon, from the Cape. Off Liverpool, 201, crusader, Wickman, from ltomhay. At Bengal, Aug.......