A conespoulent requests us to " call public attention to
the fo:low- ing disgraceful doings in Upper Cauada ;" the details of which he copies from the Toronto Examiner of the 3d of October ; but we tire compelled to put them in the roust abbreviated form, for want of room.
Two brothers, named Scott, sons of a respectable Quaker, rescuoil a Dr. Wilson, who had been made prisoner by the Loyalists. In the seuffie they taiik a pair of pistols : they have been tried for this robbery, convicted, aml sentenced to he banged on the ...)9th of Oetobet.
Mr. George Barclay, sou of the Reverend George Barclay, a Baptist Minister, has been sent to bard labour in the Penitentiary, though hin43 way pronnuent during the late disturbances; while many, fir more deeply implicat4d, leive been discharged. The young man is punished in revenge for his father's sturdy opposition to the endowed rectories established by the Government. An Exe• cutive Councillor declares " that it was not the son that ought to be punished, but the father."
" If the people of this country," our correspondent add, " do not im- mediately interfere, through their Government, the sub•ru:ers in Canada will ruin property, and destroy many valuable lives,"