New Musical Publications. Songs—Echoes of the Lakes. Nos. I. II. III. IV. Composed by F. N. Caoccit. Every species of national melody has a character of its own, with which it is generally prudent......
A Peep At The Pri Nt• Shops.
ENGRAViNcs from two early pictures by Wizatir, and two or three pot traits, are the prinripal additions to the attractions of the print- shops this week, in the shape of......
"the Dew Is On Each Leaf And Flower." Serenade, By
J. WILKINSON. A composition of not much pretension, but within the range of most amateur singers, and one which will be listened to with pleasure by most hearers.......
"le Delizie Delta Campayna. Rondo Pastoral Pour Le...
Accompagnement de Piano, par EDOUARD ELIASON. Copyright of the Publishers." This Rondo is worthy of Mr. ELTASON'S acknowledged taste and skill as a musician and a performer, yet......
The Musical World ; A Weekly Record Ey' Musical Science,
Literature, and Intelligence. Nos. CX XXV .—CXXX1X. There is nothing of which the musician, properly so called, has more just reason to complain, than the state of musical......