We Could Not More Opportunely Mention That A New Drawing
School, preparatory to tie lioviI Aemidenly, has r. euntly been upental at O. 73. Margin et S , icet, 4 'aveir:i.11 Stitiarc, under the dilm salon of a St,aillish artist. Don......
A Peep At The Pri Nt• Shops.
ENGRAViNcs from two early pictures by Wizatir, and two or three pot traits, are the prinripal additions to the attractions of the print- shops this week, in the shape of......
The Duke Of Northumderlanws Cam. To The Nation. Tim National
Gall ry reopened on Monday,e after the usual autumnal recess ; and we took the first opportunity of gob g to see the three pictures presented by the Duke of......
Fine Arts.
Tne Royal Academy has elected three new Associates,—namely, Dacca Ronears, architectural landscape painter; W. C. Ross, minia- ture painter ; and RICHARD IVesestacorr, sculptor,......
We Are Happy To Reeold Au Instance Ot Liberality 011
the part of the Committee of the Institution of Fine Arts at Nea7cast1e, w ho, says a correspondent, " hist- resolved to open the eallibition of pictures body to ILL. winking......
. The Exhibition—exposition Is Tle More Appropriate...
of the tyros %vim are admitted to the privileges of cari- caturing the chy-tl'aarre of the great masters, lent by the owners for the purposes of study to the 13ritish......