We could not more opportunely mention that a nEw Drawing
preparatory to tie lioviI Aemidenly, has r. euntly been upental at O. 73. Margin et S,icet, 4 'aveir:i.11 Stitiarc, under the dilm salon of a
St,aillish artist. Don to.os. Until now, Mr. Sass'a old-esta- blished Scliaol of I 'll wits the (»ay place of' instructian for the rudiments of lot, in Lcialon ;—ii startling tier. that at mice :a:counts for the latnentabie ney lii tl.t. practice of drawing and knowledge of the our and print-shops Si,) profusely display. Ill. stteleat be not pretty sv. il versed atutteiny and potspective before
itr1/ the Aeadelliy, i.e %%in beeentb!..; a super-
ficial ; raellity i pr.,•tiee i ali t.....t is to g.tiaed there :
LW, is tanwl,t atai t saeted—it is ;t wale ft,rat of lea:Ting. rftw kt;I:.!,•nly is laty and cummodim;:, li;:lit,..1 flow the roof by day mid :7a- ; atal pruvided with 11 very Sell ctioii of casts., snpplied liv 1\1t,srs. .1,r,FT and Fi.krt in .1 th,:e SAE CI'S), ill 14'1111 Stieet. Ill addition I., the .40:10,amd Aliti11011,:, there are beiettiiill cal-ts I I rare ri;.:arts ; such as the Fighting Gladi- ator, the I lancing Faun, tl.e so. called)Gm riettnicas, one of the sons of the Venus of Aldo, the group of Pa, rs. ;nal ,1_111112 hue 1M1-1`, 101'1, 1111(1 ad claim- siasiiti 01111, 111111 Lis iticilma of teariiiif.: ,,e. : :•: told cab culate7i to 1,,, ilitate the 11'111111'1'S progru,- :11 (.■ t,; is trawo iilloterl than that of Air. 1.7"..1S,ll0 II. I' 1,1, 0Ijll(liIJy loo >:'. Fotr-filihs ut the youths Naito 7..m ;hie materials
in trying to copy the atiticile statues at I] ,•ii]7]-1, and the pictures in the Natknt!I 1..,.;r errors,
IN'ould find it ti!tintatt•iy innre prefitaide tn pat t, I under 31r. SASS 01' D011 Vika.% mow,: for it year or InO. la tore ti :I. a to their own unassisted peret•ptions of form, or dabbling a: ith e' I.',:'. Too many phaniailag young artists ha thii.s cenntiy ate bpoiled
for want of a peal foundation of anatomical knov,71edge and crayon
practice. ‘1",ere !,J1-11e 1:11,11L11' poll:olt-p/1111tUt to IRON 11> the skeletal a the human form in outiine mid clothe it with muscle, he would cut but 11 sorry ; hut without this power, what can lw do be■olal dexterously hiding i's dm Lets by colotna or sup- plying them by st,ealing teem taigas, thutiali 1:c doe, not hi 0 IV how to make good use of his phe.7imistias ?