10 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 9


Tor Philharnomic Society has been called together this week for the purpose of eleetiog new members and a. soeiatee. Mr. KF.MINS was chosen toall the place vacant by Mr. .107.1.1.s death ; and l‘fessrs. BARNET 1', 110ONr, WESTROP, and W. S. BEN NET:. were elected As- sociates. Tne hitter eminently deserve atbniesion into a society formed 011 the prhiciples of the Philharmonic; each having distinguished him- self in smile la,ti Ch of his profession. Sir Ghia:1G SM A 111 Sent in his resignation as one of the Directors,—alleging multifarious engagements as his reason. Of what kind—that is, of what musical kind, we can- 1,0' tress ; tir does it matter to 'moire. The probability is, that the system 4,l jobbing. which we have been at smte ;mine to expoee, and which thrierceod the decline if not the donatfal of tile society. eantiot he safdt. :iv bit udently hazarded for anothei year ; and hence the resig- netion. LUC whatever the cause, the event is one upon which the society trel the subscribers may Le congratulated; for MosL111.1.1:s is the Irish Knight's successor. As the list of ll:rectors stood, the iii Isic-rom14:ers would have had the majority : as it stands. the power It ill reside in the hands of musicians. Our advice to the Directors is Si mply this— Let each one, in turn, be responsihie for a concert : the suleoe'i!%os zo 1 the soriety will then know on whom to bestow praise or blame. A committee is it very convenient shelter for intrigue, and a very tOrtanate cluak for miFchicf. Last ysir, the answer given by every it is' separatcly to a person who inquired how it certain di-credit- able exhibition eame to be permitted, was—" / opposed it ; but what can one llo aeeinst six ?" Let every snail, therefore, bear his own bur- then—hie owl: share of praiee or of blame ; and then all patties in- terested will be Ode to estimate the fitness or the incompeteocy, the zeal or the indoloace, the um ightness or the treachery, of each Director. For yeurs the whole thing has been a dark and dirty cabal. 'Fite society at large, and the ex-director ;mom; them, begiu to suspect that a ra- diedl reform must take place : and we know ti ,:a we are speaking the opinions of emne of the most etiliehtened. zealous, and honest members of the bay, in throwing out these suggestions.