Be the Municipal election in Glasgow, the Tories have ohttie
'41 a small majority in the Town-Council. The Gla...gow A rgcs, n cci vd this morning, bears testimoey to the extraordinary csiel Cons of ti:e Tories; and complains of Liberal apathy-
" Never before did this faction put forth so convulsive an effort to se!ze t is wu- nicipal reins. Every iufluence, foul or fair, within their reach, was htaa4h: into action ; intimidation, cajolery, fl atery, falsehood, feasting, the sacred 11.'!r.c of religion itself, were unecrupulously employed to swerve tl:e
their duty. The power of wealth overawed iii cur ; fear of thr.: lass of tql,:,/,1 still more; and both together, as the rem th Wald cau well testify, suceee.:01 in burdening many a conscience with the weight of lo "ken promises. To a certain txtent tl.e foul influences have been MICA.% S.1.1.111 ; but, rcrhaps. ii the apathy of the Liberals, a Inure direct cause Mr the pat flat loss of the iii id, and the total loss of the Fourth Vaid, may be discovered."
Ay, ay ! " the apathy of the Liberals "—we have heard of this before, and know something of its causes. Go to the causes, good Liberal,, and don't stand whimpering over long.predicted and uow inevitable consequences.