The condition of' Spain appears to grow da:ly more desperate
; and the wonder is, that any thing in the form of' a regular govern- ment is upheld. According to a statement current at the begin- ning of the week, NARVAEZ, who cointnands the best troops in the Queen's army, had been invested with a species of dictator- ship ; and, supported by France, would establish military sway, and put down the Cortes. The latest accounts, however, mention that NARVAEZ had assured a deputation, consisting of Alcades of Madrid and the chiefs of the National Guard, that nothing was further from his intention ; that he revered the Constitution, awl would remain a stanch Liberal.
Madrid was alarmed on the night of Sunday week, by the ru- mour that a formidable conspiracy to kill the Queen and massacre the Ministers had been discovered. The Duke DE FRIAS and the rest of the Ministers were up all night, and the garrison was kept under arms; but no disturbance of any kind occurred. Valencia has been the theatre of some dreadful occurrences. Intelligence reached it on the 23d of October, that CARRERA had shot 1 so prisoners, taken in the battle with General PARDINAS. The populace became infuriated, and demanded the slaughter of the Carlist prisoners in Valencia. General MENDEZ VIGO, the Governor, opposing the demand, was murdered by the mob ; who afterwards broke open the dungeons, and dragging forth between thirty and forty prisoners, butchered them all. At Saragossa, a " Reprisal Junta" had been established, and the massacre of sixty-six Cellist prisoners decreed. According to the cor- respondent of the Morning Herald, the rumour that CARRERt had shot his prisoners, which gave rise to all this butchery, was e ithout foundation.