A Court of Directors was held at the East India
House, on Wed- nesday, when Major-General Sir William Casement, K.C.B., was appointed provisionally Member of the Council of India; to take his seat therein on the 16th of June 1839, when the term of Colonel Morison's service in the Council will expire, or upon the death, re- signation, or coming away of Colonel Morison, should either of these
contingencies occur previously to that date. -
The Church-rate Abolition Society held a meeting on Monday, and passed a series of resolutions, in reference to the Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Church leases ( which Report has been delivered within the week). We quote the fourth, fifth, and sixth resolutions, as containing the pith of the whole-
" 4. That considering that all the witnesses examined by the Committee are, with but two exception., connected with Church prepay, or dependent upon the clergy of the Established Church ; considering the admissions end statements made by them ; considering the greatly increased value which would be given to the estates by enfran. eltisement ; and considering the statements awl calculations made by Mr. Finiaison, which have not been successfully impeached; this Committee is of opinion that the plau for deka!. ing the expenses hitherto discharged by Chnrekrates, out of a fund to arise from an improved mode of managing Chinch propetty, recently proposed to Par- liament by the Right Honourable the Chancellor of the Excheener, is entitled to the support of the within and the sanction of the Legislature.
" 5. That this Committee have learned, with indignation and sorrow, that the Bishops of St. Asaph, Winchester, Worcester, and Uncivil), have not replied to the op. plicatiou of the Select Committee fur infurmat ion connected with Church property in their dioceses; anti that the Bishops of Bangor, Carlisle, Exeter, tiloncester. Bristol. Oxford, and Rochester, have refused to comply with such application : that this Com- mittee view the conduct of these Bishops as designed to raise obstacles in the way of a successful prosecution or the ditties and objects of the Select Committee, and as adapted to continue that bitter shire which it should be the especial effort of Christian mods. tees to allay, lint this Committee assure themselves that the Muse of Commons will adopt speedy and effective measures to maintain their own privileges, and to obtain the infurmation requir. d by the Select Committee.
" 6. That this Committee are of opini in that. should the Select Commitaee be re- appointed for the purpose uf receiving further evideuce, it would be just and fair, coosm. tiering that nearly all the witnesses hitherto examiued by them are connected with or under the influence of the Church, they should receive evidence chiefly from parties uncouueeted with and iudepeudeut of the Church."