10 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 6

In the Commis , ion (curt of Dublin, on Monday, Carrick, "thee

Instill k " as he is called, was tried on a charge of murdering John Tonebe, a child placed erder his care. The evidence proved that the plisoner had treated the child with extreme brutality ; hut the Judge charged the Jury, that unleas they were satistied that the intent was to cause death, their verdict must he "matudaughter." The Jury were breked up all night ; and on Tuesday morning brought in a verdict of "aggravated manslaushter." The Judge Fuld, that it was not the proviace of the Jury. but of the Court, to consider the circumstaeces

aggravatitm ; and die verdict was ultered to " manslaughter." On Wedneadsy, Cartick was sentenced to transportation for life.