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lintitt Wt•I. lt It •I',. , • . I :1114 ttitAl ti,; I tat:way t Itatitt ut tevt. r. • tit.tne(. ithere 1-. stottottl.., •
ktal Air. Quito) ; wt. si, tt, :end the poaer of phiee ; it as a hied s s' protects Es pis thou thinkest 1t so, inquire ef my 11mm:it il. .1s-Alse to Irelsnet,- reiterates Anthony. ltlauic, " thou irreligious anal igaii,11,1 • tOtoni er tti y excuse upon rein.•inbeiiii,; that esiitionai Sciaabs law ,. • blislie•Iit, thy early days, how eaust thou pa, such an ititettua a Chris:iati, a Itonem mil yet Myst, tliiiu ,•aa
lequire tu •
thisall•litipot taut matter? Learn then, that it Las lilooglit ins, a a pier . Adjur,.nt on the Galway .11Itia,afterwattis be.rtwer atittn;; tbe
ers, ni order to raise the wind for Lard IVelle•'ey, so lte Cl,'• . , .
Chief ltittielebrancer I teliti many tie a...mils ; •••.. . loteli,
if thonbast but 055 'dill., left, p;,! :it nee. it. :cx,ri tit; • I dart. posting it down it: t.itt• cttra II:sciativo, and lii•erm... • i •• :yam." Cl Justice to Leland," respb, Dr. :11.11 in. ma NV:1111,1 .•1 i .11 all borough Street, nor would I have yati look tar it in the Chroai•lc more than M ft!. .1,./1•71 1:%)•:1,1.” ‘..;11.t:Ce ti t i I iii,- ;1,al5 Pat Co,t6lo to ('atew 01)N:l'r ; "Och, rein'iler, do you lien what ti...• kal is after ax'us? what a coining down stairs as this is, you never yet ilie! see.' " JU%"tee to Ireland," title! s Pierce Mahany, et it ii scented loindlo calm ti al, I an assent oh cc the iiiinil ci J tois el a !Mi.:lie:a liregue i. icruipeeep in the
emlueyisin net 1%1'in:c1mape1, " why. I III...elate, n ir, y r , L.ns.
doutta, bale thee, and l'onway it tla: Psi, rat that I nil seil i Ii dti CC' to Ireland ; ate] that 3 statue should be elected ite the reli.ereil of I) ran Mai ia,
wboal Daniel (f Connell, with intolerable vulgarity 'I lit, nom., we,
in the West End, alt! cough we receive Don's support, a low feliew,) designated the l'ihme of Jobbers." " Justice to Ireland," saith s:oner Nichelim, " ' lies, like truth, in a brotiittiaa ; ' come, if Cam nit rite! ot roaming hither and thither, tilloughout the gliolsome earth, and ii thou 'lost not imagine that basking, Nal eis u-slike, beside a cold brook on a raw and gusty dav is a comfottible reereatiou—come, I say, and I is ill cage you as close in one of my Bastilei as ever 1 did a Guinea Black in the hudd of a slave.ship." " Ju.tiLo to Leland, I U repro- bate," benewa Lard efIrogall, tt. mad,' he it, cusiplished if 11.0.1, :mil some tliobsamis like thee, wile consigned 10 tile to cj:i';'i last contested election." "Justice tel Irelaud, my good fellow," whispers the HONEST 313N, "him become a sad prostitute, and therefore it is much better to 'stand at ease,' and have nothing to do with her, as she will eventually break your back, by employing you as a convenient strpping-stone to assist her heart- less and brainless favourites to scamper into warn) berths."