10 NOVEMBER 1838, Page 6

The Reverend Mr. Ihtvern, of Knock:my, has written a third

letter to Mr. O'Connell, iti defence and explanation of his former epistles ; to which this hist is infei or in force and eloquence, though it demon- Incites the advantage which the Church has gained by the Tithe Bill. Ile calls natin Mn. O'Connell for itieesures; and declares that the

new agitatiea is " no agitation at all," " mere child's play."

We deem it due to Air. Wyse, M. P., to states that though im- propriator of tithes to a considerable ainouat in the City of Water- ford, be has tiot claimed them for many years, or lodged any sethedule whatever for his portion of' the Million Loan.—IFuteljUrel C4ronicle.

Mn, Spring lice expresses himself favourable to the general pro- position for establishing a Provineial College, not only in the South, but hi Conhaught also. John 'I'ititin would, perhaps, denounce the hater, tialess he were made the principal.—Chnatiele.