The Wiley; rd Chronicle complains, that neither the City nor
County Member, will give any countenance to the public dinner in Waterford, at which Mr. O'Connell is to be entertained on the 13th instant. The Members for the County are Messrs. Villiers Stuart, and Power—for the City, Wyse and Barron.
We are within a few weeks of a mighty struggle; and what, let us ask, are the preparations? We have made no small exertion to obtain justice fur Ireland. With the exception of the efforts made by O'Con- nell—and only we are modest we would say the Pilot—to rally the peo- ple, what has been done by anybody else ? • • * But the session is coining, and what are our preparations? Who helps O'Connell ? ‘Vhere are the other Members for Ireland ? What are they doing? " What are they doing in the North?" Are they for the agitation or are they not ? Do they range with the Wait-a- whiles? and do they trim their little wherries with here a bug of sand, and there with a bag of stones ? The time will not afford any mincing policy of this na- ture. We hold our lease and tenure of liberty on the security of a
life of a human being! An accident to Queen Vic- toria, and Ernest of Hanover returns! Sacred Heaven what would follow.—Darslin Pilot. King Ernest's blind son would follow.] At a Preeursor meeting, held in Drogheda, Dr. Crolly, the Catholic Primate, took a conspicuous part.