[To THE Burros OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Having seen " E. R. S.'s " letter in your issue of October 3rd, I would like to offer another Red Cross sugges- tion. Why cannot the Voluntary Aid Detachments be used as probationers to the trained nurses? I am Commandant of a detachment, all of whom are keen to do some real work. Why are the Voluntary Aid Detachments ignored ? I know of an asylum attendant, totally untrained, except for one First Aid certificate, who offered herself to the War Office and was at once given work. In my detachment alone, ten of us, besides holding the ordinary certificates, have had practical work as probationers in hospitals. Our services are voluntary, and therefore would save the Government money. Yet we are still waiting, whilst untrained paid people are put in over our heads. Does all our training count for nothing ? Also why are more detachments being raised when the old and thoroughly trained ones are apparently not wanted P—I am