The Sheriff's Badge.
[To THZ EDITOR OF TUB "SPECTATOR:] SIR, —The kindness and generosity of the thought which Las prompted you to present a badge to those recruits in the county of Surrey who have......
"tommy Atkins."
[TO THZ EDITOR OF TH1 "STECTLTOR."] SIR,—After reading your article in last week's Spectator dealing with Dr. Johnson's views on the calling of the soldier, I wondered whether......
Recruiting Speeches.
[To TER EDITOR OF TEl " SPECTLTOR."] SIR,—During the last few weeks we have had a number of "great speeches" from the politicians on the war ; but, I believe, not a single word......
County Corps Of Guides.
[To TER EDITOR OF TUB " SPZCTATOR.1 SIE,—I write to inquire what exactly is the position of our Guides in regard to the war. In the event of the Germans trying to " run a raid "......
Dr. Johnson On The British Soldier. [to Tax Editor 01
THE " SPRCTATOR."] Sin,—In your article (October 3rd) headed " Dwell as if about to Depart" you quote some of Dr. Johnson's utter- ances concerning the military profession and......
The Biological Effect Of Voluntary Enlistment.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, —It is a self-evident proposition that an army recruited by voluntary enlistment is, caeteris paribus, more efficient than one......