10 OCTOBER 1914, page 3

An Amusing Example Of The Extraordinarily Laboured...

the Germans work their great lie factory, the Wolff Bureau, is to be found in a letter published in Thursday's Times, and alleged to be written by an American lady, the wife of......

American Visitors Have Been Surprised At The Apparent...

emotion in England at such a crisis as the present. They can see, they say, no signs that we realize the tre- mendous nature of the points at issue. The English people, they......

The New York Evening Post Of September 24th Contains A

very interesting interview with Senator Lodge. Very properly, the Senator dwells upon the necessity of America maintaining an absolutely honest neutrality, "equally honest and......

We Note With Satisfaction The First Meeting Of The Central

Committee of the National Patriotic Organization, which was held on Thursday at 8 Carlton House Terrace. The Committee is being organized by Mr. Harry Cust, who is its Chairmen......

It Was Officially Announced In Wednesday's Papers That An...

bad been made by part of the Japanese Fleet upon Jaluit Island, which forma part of the large archipelago known as the Marshall Islands in Polynesia. The island was believed to......

The Large German Forces Which, Under General Von Hinden-...

had crossed the East Prussian frontier and invaded the Suwalki province, were in the course of last week decisively defeated, and Russian territory was cleared of the enemy.......

That Is All Perfectly Sound, And No Englishman Whose Opinion

is worth anything expects responsible American statesmen to lean in the very least degree towards special friendliness to us. We have, indeed, only one criticism to make on the......

The Belgian Grey Book, Dealing With The Events Preced- Ing

the outbreak of the war, which was summarized in the Times on Wednesday, throws a vivid light upon the wolf- and-lamb methods of German diplomacy. Up to the last moment the......

As May Be Imagined, Men With This Spirit Learn Very

quickly, and do not seem to tire or grow stale. The present writer one afternoon saw men drilling at four o'clock who, but for a few intervals, had been at it ever since six or......

M. Poincare Left Bordeaux At The Beginning Of The Week

in order to visit the troops at the front, and, together with the French Premier and Minister of War, was received at the French and British headquarters. This notable occasion......

Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.

Aug. 8th.......