Democracy And Foreign Policy.
[To THE EDITOR OF TER SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Those who set out to build a New Jerusalem should be sure as to their foundations. Mr. Norman Angell and his co-signatories have not, if......
[to The Editor Or The " Spicctltoe."] Sra,—the Leaflet...
to by Professor Holland Rose in your issue of September 26th appears, as he points out, to be well calculated to further the objects of the Prussian military party, who will no......
[to Tee Editor Or The " Spactrrox."1 Sir, — In An Editorial
note on a letter in last week's Spectator dealing with Dr. Holland Rose's comments on my association with a circular issued by the Union of Democratic Control, you say:— " What......
[to The Editor Or The "spectator...1 Sir, — The Spectator...
proved well able to take care of itself, and you have already given a very adequate reply to the extravagant charge of Mr. Trevelyan that you have for years past "been engaged......
[to The Editor Or The " Spect1toe."1 Sir, —i Notice Two
things about your note to my letter of last week. You make no attempt to substantiate your statements of the week before about the Union of Democratio Control, which were the......