10 OCTOBER 1914, Page 2

The Admiralty issued through the Press Bureau on Wednesday night

an official statement confirming the report that a British submarine had sunk a German torpedo-boat. The submarine was E9' (Lieutenant-Commander Max Horton), the same which sank the German cruiser Hela ' off Heligo- land on September 13th. The scene of her second daring exploit, from which she returned safely to her base, was off the Ems River, and a Harwich correspondent of the Daily Telegraph gives a graphic account of the way in which she stalked her prey. At one period she was only a hundred yards away—too near to fire with safety to herself—but she waited till one of the two destroyers observed was six hundred yards off, and then fired two torpedoes, the second striking the destroyer—one of the V class—amidships, and literally tearing her in two.