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Mr. Stapleton has established his claim to the Beaumont Peerage. Mr. Leader is on a visit to Lord Brougham at his Lordship's seat in the South of France.
Lord I. ndhurst is still on the sick list, and absent from public duty.
Lord Lowther is suffering from "a pulmonary affection of serious character."
The Provostship of Eton College, having become vacant by the death of Dr. Goodall, the Queen nominated the Reverend Francis Hodgson, the translator of J arena!, to the office ; but the Fellows of Eton College, in whom the right of election seems to lie, have rejected the nominee of the Crown, and chosen the Reverend John Lonsdale. The reason alleged is, that Mr. Hodgson is not a Bachelor of Divinity ; the reason suspected is, that gentleman's Whig politics.
From a Parliamentary paper we learn, that Lord Strangford has very handsomely relinquished the pensions held by himself and his son on the Irish establishment, and which, unlike other pensions, were in fast given as compensation for an undoubted pecuniary claim on the State. Beau Brummell died at Caen, on the 30th of last month.