11 APRIL 1840, page 13

Tlte Morning Post Says, Of The " Thirty Names" Subscribed

to the letter which Lord Palmerston so ostentatiously produced as proof that the " British liter acts'' approved of his Opium War-- " There is scarcely that of a single man who......

It Is Unnecessary To Publish The Names On The Opium

War Division, as the lists exhibit the usual party array. Mr. John Fielden and Lord Arthur Lennox voted with the Tories ; but this is now a common enough practice with both. The......

The Paris Papers Of Thursday State That Thiers Had Caused

the pro- secutions of persons charged with the Bonapartist plot to he relin- quished ; and the suspected parties had been released from prison. There is no other news worth......

Postscript •

SATURDAY. A good deal of conversation on matters of interest occurred in both Houses of Parliament last night. The results, however, may be briefly stated. In the House of......

Money Market.

tinier( Eitetwrok. FRIDAY ArrERNODN. Tlte books of the various descriptions of Stock that have been recently closed for the itt:deed, opened tot Monday last, Ibr private......

T Ii E T Ii Eat It E S.

CHARLES KEMBLE last night took his second and final farewell of that stage of whielt he has so long been the pride and ornament. His per- formance of Hamlet showed the polished......

The Committee On The Totnes Election Reported On...

the election was void ; and a new writ was issued. [This was omitted to be mentioned in its proper place in a preceding page.]......

East India Shipping.

The Marquis Camden, Read, from Sin g apore to China, was totally wrecked on & sand•bank off the Phibipine 1,1ands on the I hit er.--erew an i...ari t o saved. The Duke or......