11 APRIL 1840, page 12

The Commercial And Monetary Difficulties Seriously Affect...

the United Stales ; which is falling off at the rate of nearly a million of dollars per month. The sales of public lands are also very slack. The Secretary of the Treasury is......

Postscript •

SATURDAY. A good deal of conversation on matters of interest occurred in both Houses of Parliament last night. The results, however, may be briefly stated. In the House of......

Governor Thormon Returned To Montreal On The Lfith Of'...

The journey from Toronto (t160 miles) was perforated in thirty five hours and forty minutes. Ile was accompanied by his Aide-de-Camp Captain Le Merchant, and followed by Mr.......

It Would He Impossible To Toadish Stub Very Young Twaddle

as is contained in the Gas. gow beilvr signed " A Mcmaca or THE PEEI. CLUB." hail it been one or do " tall la ye." mho had comet, ed to say something clever, we might hare......

It Is Remarkable, That During A Week Devoted By Parliament

to the virtual proclamation of war with China, accounts should have been re- ceived of fresh pacific overtures from the consistent Captain Elliot to the authorities at Canton.......

The State Of Affairs In China Has Attracted Attention In

Congress. "One of your journals (Ministerial), referring to the proceedings in Congress, says, that they indicate a disposition in the American Govern- ment to join heart and......

Preparations For The Expedition Against China Were...

activity. It is said that the native troops were eager to enrol themselves in the army of attack. Lord Auckland had arrived at Cal- cutta; and it was expected that in a few days......