Artropolis. The Lora Mayor Gave The Annual Entertainment...
Majesty's Ministers at he 31:Insionhouse. on Saturday. Lord Melbourne, I.ord Morpeth, find Mr. Labouchere were present. There was no demoustrc- I tion of party feeling on the......
Zbe I T Irobintes.
The Tories in Rutlandshire are preparing to contest the representa- tion of the county with the Barham family. Their candidate is a son of Lord Downe. From the manufacturing......
Mr. David Dundas has been returned for Sutherlandshire, without opposition. By the exchange of Mr. Dundas for Mr. Howard, the Whigs gain a vote—to them a matter of importance.......
The Ludlow Election Committee-room Has Been Crowded Every...
the evidence given on both sides has afforded amusement, if not in- struction to the numerous auditory. On Monday, Mr. Cockburn, Mr. Alcoek's counsel, said lie would not attempt......
Ftlisteitauto Us.
Mr. Stapleton has established his claim to the Beaumont Peerage. Mr. Leader is on a visit to Lord Brougham at his Lordship's seat in the South of France. Lord I. ndhurst is......
Mr. Leaden, Of Great James Street, Bedford Row, Sir Edward
Lyt- ton Bulwer's solicitor, has sent to the Morning Chronicle a copy or a letter he wrote to Lady Bulwer, on the subject of her quarrel with Sir Edward. A writer in the Morning......
Great exertions are made by the " Liberals" to get up a demonstra- tion against Lord Stanley's Registration Bill. Mr. O'Connell, in ano- ther "hereditary bondsmen" letter,......
The Revenue Tables, Published On Monday, Show An Increase In
the receipts of 243,909/. on the year, and a decrease of 15,243/. on the quarter. The increase is chiefly on the Customs, and occasioned no doubt by the payments for Corn-duties......