The Marquis Camden, Read, from Singapore to China, was totally wrecked on & sand•bank off the Phibipine 1,1ands on the I hit er.--erew an i...arito saved. The Duke or llticelen411, M'Leoil, from Loudon to Bengal, it at total.y wrecked on tic' 7th Felanary ott l'ablieras Ileer—crew saved. Melt:int Bell, Melia:in, from Shields ta Bengal, was It tany wrecked the 17th February, on the trreat Nicobar Islauds--crow saved. Arta, ed—At (raiesend. April t,th, Ann. M 11.anbay, Thomas Harrison. Smith, from Van 1)ionion's Law'. Augnanii. Carr; an ! P.111111,0;1, from Main this; 9111. Soling:1 -:clam. Hopkins, from Bengal. In the Chilae Ilarold, .is; and Bombay. Purley, from Bombay; 'Pekoe. Guiles. nom Chum; Mid Lothian, Morri,o111; Poilita4euet, Domett ; and Jolm remin,:. 11 Iron Iteagal; 1.1.ty of Loutl,:t. Nlartin; and Alt•xataler
I.rmm, fr.in Sinaaln.re; and Fairilehl, .■blitHL Crum M.111 A: Ili is:ol. Rosa'
hitch, Little. from Bengal. At Liierpool. 4111, Allen lierr. Keelmie. cc- Itambay; and Mary. Robert...on. from Matiritats; 5;11, Italian, f:ii. It 1\011..100as: 13ottontly; and Isabella Coaper, fr.on 11.•■ o‘a.d. Jones; and ilereidean. Grind:di, from llumhav ; IIelen Jane. M oa Arachne, Thurtell, from Matirilitt, At St. Ileleaa. Feb. Gth, Severn. Pianee, from Bmgal: 70h, Nelson, from Tinn:r ; ...Fe■Druetry. Huller; :nal I liana, Dudinan. from Singap,re. .1t Ilomf ay, pre, ions ro Feb. Generai Palmer. Ediot ; Lady East, ltob..rsison : La Beim Allirthai, .10:011, nom Lonmai; Lockett Lan-
e:niter, ; and City of Poonali, W11,a.n. ;rum I.i‘erpoo1, At Madras. pieviotte to Feb. ::(101 ; True Briton, t'onsitt ; and Perria. Ste, ens. from Lon.lon. At llong.t1,
provi..u...1,. 15;1, Feb, NIelbourne, ltepu1s.e. ford ; Exmouth. Warren; Waluvr Castle, Close; Zeno1e.a. Dwou; and Marion. Pope, &um laanhat ; Seymour. —; Cambria, ; W111.10V110re. Itn,W11; E•in Grey, Bell: Eland. Callen: Matilda. Rowe; and Theseus. it.w tract 1.i.erpow ; Lady of the 1.34e, 1;:te!s; Cul. in. Aberer, mbie: 110.,eit Peel ...kola; and 11.11rauda, Thompsvh, irom (%)-,1,.; St. Georzzo, it its istici,