11 APRIL 1840, Page 13


tinier( Eitetwrok. FRIDAY ArrERNODN.

Tlte books of the various descriptions of Stock that have been recently closed for the itt:deed, opened tot Monday last, Ibr private transt'er ; and money transactions are now resumed in them. By the issue of money consequent Upon the p•,yment of the Dividends, the pre(' xi sting massare upon the market has hccti completely relieved; mid as investments to a considerable extent have been made in almost every description of current Stock, the quotations of' all of them are from to ?, per cent. higher. Reduced 'litres per Cents. have risen "In 894 to 901, Titree iter Cent. Consols from 1101 to MA, Three-and-a- half per Cent. Red-need from 97; to 9S4, and Now Three-and-a-hall per Cents. front 99 to 88!.. Bank Stack has been quoted at 174.1, and 17:0J, and is to-day at the higher -price • while India, Stock has been at 2.7IN and 25t1N, and IS to-day again :It 2.19A. 'The premium mem Exelletitter Bills had improved, mid from 22a. risen to ::16s.: but a reaction has occurred to-day, caused by an aggregation of small sales; and front the latter price these Securities have de- clined to 23s.

We are without any intelligence from the United States, and cannot report

any transactions in .Sincrican Securities. • In the Foreign Alarket, there has been an improvement in all the Northern European Securities. Dutch Bonds are I per cent. above our last prices; the report that the Belgian Government proposes immediately to pay off the capital of that portion of the Dutch Debt alloted to it upon the separation of the countries, having induced many purchases. Russian Bonds are In demand, and are to-day at 1134. Danish Stock is also improving. Intelligence has been received from Rio Janeiro to the 5th February. A contemplated sale of loud Stock held by the Bank to the extent of 700,000 1°1- lars, or about 90,000L, bad caused a decline from 78 to 75. The exchange had also fallen in the same proportion—viz. from 31i to 34 Very little effect has however been produced upon Brazilian Stock, which is quoted to-day about i per cent, below last quotation. There has been a trifling improvement in Columbian, and the other South American Securities, occasioned by some unimportant purchases made upon Dutch account ; the last letters from Amsterdam bringing intelligence that a disposition for the purchase of these Bonds was beginning to show itself in that city.

Spanish Active Stock has unproved about 4 upon our last prices : there has not been much fluctuation in the market, but the general tendency has been upwards; the rise that has occurred in Paris having brought forward some ex- tensive purchasers, who have taken all the Stock offered either for money or by speculators.

Mr. RICHARD THORNTON, the indefatigable Chairman of the Committee of Portuguese Bondholders, has given publicity to a letter addressed to the Poi,. tie;tic,e Minister of Finance, upon the subject of the claims of the foreign cre- di ton,. This epistle, which is too long to quote, after enlarging upon the debt of gratitude due from the existing dynasty of Portugal to the British capi- t:dists, by whos,i generous assistance her Most Faithful Majesty was placed upon the throne, and the whole Portuguese nation rescued from a sanguinary usttriftr, remonstrates against the want of faith by which the Dividends upon the Foreign Debt of Portugal have been left for three yenrs in arrear, and protests energetically against the application of its revenue for the present year, by %Illicit all the departments of the state are lavishly provided for, the dividends upon the Domestic Debt paid in full, a needlessly large army main. tallied, and an increase of the navy contemplated ; thus abso:hing all the in- come of the State, while the elaims of the Foreign creditors are totally ne- glected. It is understood that this letter will lte forwarded through our At»hassador at Lisbon, and that Lord PALwrits-rox, in a recent interview with Mr. monNT0N, has promised to urge upon the Goverment the justice and unit (holey of a speedy settlement of these claim?. Our last advices from Lisbon are of the 110th ultimo ; and as the intelligence then brought states that the present Ministry would be secure of a mejority in the Hew Cortes, Portuguese Soeuri; ies liave improved nearly 1 per cent.; though the business transacted in them has been unimportant. There is a disposition lia• speculation in Railway Shares; and those of some of the more important lines have improved considerably; Great 1Vestern being about 6/. per share higher, London and Birmingham at an improvement of from 2/. to 3/., and the others in demand at better prices than previously.


The prices of the English Funds arc the same as yesterday, and so little has been iloimt this mornimt. that up to this time not a single bargain is recorded in the official list as having occurred in Consols for Accatint ; our quotation of 91?: is therefore nominal; as are those of India end Bank Stocks. Ex- chi:quer Bills have been marked at 26s., and since that at 23s. prem. In the Foreign Market, the only variation that has occurred has been in Spanish Stock : the improvement of 4 per cent, in the price of this security in Paris on Thursday tuts not produced a correspRoligy beitieretctah.ere351.131 The market opened at 29:1, stone b:a8r1girtaiins were effected. at 29?!. ahd as the sellers predominated, the price soon declined to 281, but has again rallied, and is now 29 to ili. 104 5

3 per Cent. Onsiiis Belgian 5 p.a. Cents. 25t Ditto r,r Acetium — Columbia : ti p.a. Cents :t per Cent. Itedueed 9Ot 77 8

Damsh , isa its 33E 41t

31 per Cent. Ditto

New o, per Cents. Dutch 21 i er Cmts . 99 $ t Portuguese Bank Stiiek 1744 51 Ditto .i ver Cents 241 i Exchequer Bills ..... ....... 23 20 pm Russian 5 per cents India Stuck 2491 501 Spanish LActive) . 29 t

Brazilian 5 per Cents 751 64