Arundel; a Tale of the French Revolution. By Sir Faustus VINCENT, Bart. In three vols.
The New Annual Army List; with an Index. Corrected to 7th Fe- bruary 1840. By H. G. HART, Limit. 49th Regt. [This volume is indispensable to all who take any interest in the va- rious services to which it relates, or have any occasion to refer to the per- sonal statistics of the Army, Ordnance, or Commissariat. Besides the usual roll of officers, contained in the periodical Army List, the work embraces a variety of information both statistical and personal, which cannot elsewhere be obtained. For example, the tabular lists of all the superior officers from Majors upwards, is a perfect regimental biography of the Army, showing at one view the time when the hero first entered the service, and the date of every commission he has since received. A similar view is given of all the officers in the Artillery, Engineers, Commissariat, and Medical Department% as well as of every officer on half-pay. Other lists are also given of different phases of the service—as the Foreign Half-pay, and officers who have received medals. But there is a good deal snore than merely dates, names, and tabular information. Short notes are appended to the lists, specifying, where par- ticular or curious, the exploits in which the individual has been engaged, the services he has rendered, or the wounds he has received. And these, though curt and distinguished by a military brevity, are full of a matter-of-fact interest. In the ease of many of the "01(1 soldiers," the effect is of an historical kind— the reader is culled back to other generations : for instance- " (General) Sir Martin Hunter served in the first American war, including the battles of Bunker's Hill, Brooklyn. and Brandywine; storming the heights of Fort Washington; and the might attack on General Wm; ties brigade, where he was wounded. Served afterwards in the East Indies, and commanded the 32nd regiment at the sieges or coommore (commanded a ct,rps of light infantry that stormed the breach), Pollighautcherry, and Bangalore; battle near S'oringapaotn, and storming of the fort ot' Savandruog ; the night attack on Tippoo's intretiched carnp under the walls of Seriagaratant, and was wounded in the body and arm. In 1/97 he com- manded a brigade at the capture of Trinidad, and at the siege of Pert° Rico; and at list LIOCkalk ta Malta ia 1800 lie commanded the .1811 regiment." " General Scott's services ;—Campaigii or 1762 in Germany under Prince Ferdinand of Branswiek ; aunt carried the colours of the 24th regiment in the action of Willim- stall, and the attack of the British piquets on the Fulda. First American war in 1776 and 77, under General Burgoym• and Sir Henry Clinton, during which period he was frerpletaly engaged with the enemy, and was in danger of hying hanged as it spy. Campaigns at 17S3 and 4 in Flanders, under the Duke of IC, rk, includiug the action at Famars; sieges of Valenciennes. Dunkirk. and Newport ; attack on the village of Pre- moat ; and action of the 24th May. at which last he was wounded in the right thigh by a musket-ball. Commanded a brigade during the campaign at' 1799 in Mysore, and was present at the siege and eaptnre of Seringapatam, for which he 'yeti% ell a medal." " General Robertson's services ; —Taking of Gnaw. In every action 1mm India under Sir Eyre Coon. and Lord Cornwallis. With the storming parties at Nattily Droog, Bang:thre, and Savantlrotw. Siege and capture of Pondielterry its 1793. Storming or the French lines belbre aldalta e."
" Lient..General Thomas served in the first Ann•ricatt war, awl was present at the several landings on Staten, Long, and York Islands ; the battle of the 27th Aug. 1776 Oil lame Island; capture of Fotts Lee and Was11)1,gll111 ; battles of Brandywine and Germantown, at which last he reveived two balls in his head. Proceeded to the West Indies it) 1778, and was present at the capture of St. Lucie, and in the battle of the
Vigie. Served on board the Cornwall in aelion A' Grenada, between Admiral Byron and the Comte d'Estaignes tith July. 1779; also au board the C,nqw.r.,r in the fiction bet,evn Admiral Parker and I,a !sloth. Pietplet, in Fort Royal Bay, Mar- IS 11 Dec. 1779; and in the stews:, iVt. mittiatus het Rear Admiral Rowley
Sill; the Comte de Guielten oft' Marnil nine • 17th April following. Present at the capture of Portsau-Prittee, 4th June. 1794. Served also in Ireland during the Rebel- lion in 1798."
What national changes have these inen not seen ! what a difference between manners and opinions now, and when they first entered life! Full of curious observations and reminiscences must the n Is of these veterans be, if they ever had the power of observing and reflecting, and have not outlived their faculties.]
The Voice of Conscience; s. Narrative founded on fact. By Mrs. QuiNTIN
[The story of a Cornish miner, who is converted by the preaching of Wesley, becomes a Methodist preacher, and marries a rich widow : after her death he enters the gay world, and being unhappy in a second marriage, grows dissi-
pated, and is ruined by gambling; but is reclaimed by Wesley, and returns poor and penitent tools native village. The earlier portion of the tale, de- scribing the sufferings of a morbidly sensitive nature, and the change pro- duced by conversion, is the most real, the autobiographical form being well sustained up to that point: the interest afterwards declines, and the subse- queut incidents are related more in the style of an ordinary novel than of CCM-, fessione.] Indian Lift; a Tale of the Carnatic. By Mrs. Colonel HARTLEY. [An ill-judged publication : in fact a rhapsody, without distinctness of pur- pose in the plot, knowledge of life or manners in the writer, or that mere artistical power of execution which may partially excuse the want of plan and of matter.] Alice, or the Mysteries ; a Sequel to " Ernest Maltravers." By Sir E. L. &HAVER, Bart., M.P., M.A.
[The third volume of the author's revised edition of his collected works. It is embellished with a design by VON HOLST, that has the merit of harmonizing with the tone of sentiment in the intense passages, though its style is too strongly German.] Persecution of the Lutheran Church in Prussia, from the year 1831 to the present time; compiled from German publications. Chiefly translated by J. D. LoWENBERG. (With additional information from various sources.) [A fragmentary account of the persecutions suffered by those subjects of the King of Prussia who refused to attend church when, in 1830, he introduced a new liturgy inconsistent with the Augsburg Confession, the standard of the true LittliCran faith ; the object of the new liturgy being to establish a state church, under the pretence of forming a religious union of all sects of Luther- aims. Five hundred of the recusants have emigrated to Australia, there to form a German colony.] On the Improvement and Preservation of the Female Figure; with a new
anomie of treatment of Lateral Curvature of the Spine. By G. B.
Cutups, Esq., Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, &c. [A practitioner's book, compiled from previous writers on the subject of spinal distortion ; the chief novelty—if that maybe called novel whose principle is no longer new—eonsisting in the plan of a " prone couch," with apparatus for producing gradual extension of the spine.] The Book of Archery. By GEORGE AGAR HANSARD, Gwent Rolmauthor of " Trout and Salmon Fishing in Wales." [An elegant, entertaining, and instructive volume, treating the subject his- torically, poetically, and technically, with the enthusiasm of one of the craft and the patient research of a compiler. The author has minutely described the various kinds of bows and arrows used in every country, from the bow of Ulysses to that of the modern Toxopholite, including the Oriental, Tartar, and American weapons of archery ; and he has ransacked the poets and chroniclers for allusions, descriptions, and anecdotes. One omission, however, is too re- markable to be passed by, and that is the famed exploit of William Tell,—a strange slip, seeing that the figure of Tell is introduced into the illustrations. The plates are numerous and beautiful; consistin,g of twelve pictorial designs by STernANorr, finely engraved ; and twenty-ffiur outline illustrations of bows and bowmen of all ages and countries, designed by Mr. BROOKE: the typography is fine, and the whole appearance of the volume handsome.] Some Account if South Australia ; or a Guide-book for Labourers and Mechanics intending to emigrate to the above Colony.
The Peninsular Historical, Romantic, and Literary Magazine. No. L LThe object of this new periodical is to illustrate the history, literature, cus- toms, and romance of Spain and Portugal; each number containing three principal articles—au historical disquisition, a fiction, and a review of some author. The subject of the historical essay in the first number is the Fueros of the four Northern Provieces of Spain.] SERIALS, PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS, AND PRINTS. Heath's Waverley Gallery; or the principal Female Characters in Sit Walter Scott's Romances and Poems. From original paintings by eminent artists. Part I.
[A collection of painters' beauties, in fancy dresses, each christened after one of Scovr's heroines : pretty pictures, beautifully engraved.] Illustrations o.f British Costume. By LEOPOLD and CHARLES 31ARTIN. Part II.
Pictures of the French, drawn by Tlemselves, New Series. Part I. Mercantile Chart; exhibiting the Fluctuations of the Prices of Consols, Exchequer Bills, Foreign Exchanges, and the principal articles oxfc.CsoEran-. meree in London, during the last seven years. By .T. and C. WALKER. [A linear price current ; the rise and fall of earls article 6eing indicated by the corresponding deflections of lines crossing the columns of years divided into mouths: thus the relative value of the commodity at any period within this time is apparent at a glance.] Illustrations of thc Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. By a Sis- ter of the Religions Order of Our Lady of Mercy. Part IV.
[A worthy completion of this set of designs which affords one of the most touching and graceful examples of the application of outline to the delineation of scenes of common life in the present day.] PAMPHLETS.
An Address to the Protestant Electors of Great Britain and Ireland.
The Lament, or the Fall qf Drury Lime; a poetical Satire. By W. C. D. The _Mission of the Educator; an Appeal for the Education of all Classes in Eimland. By a Friend to Justice. Sjueuilu lit, IS "Own Hutt, Esq., ..1111'., on the Oppressive and Illegal nature of tie Slade Duties ; delivered in the House of Commons on the 19th 1540.